Carrier Wave Single-phase Kit


  • The power meter can communicate with the meter reader by carrier wave or wireless mode. The transmission is transparent and not be interfered by the user.
  • The power meter (Modebus RTU) supports 485 interface, and it can work without the meter reader. The split core transformer is also provided for easy installation.
  • Mode1 for meter reading: the carrier wave data are output by serial port (CH340). The meter reading is realized by reading serial port data through PC or Openwrt.
  • Mode2 for meter reading: Built-in ESP12 module, which can be programmed directly, and through ESP12 to realize meter reading by carrier wave.

Sigle-phase Power Meter

Interface type:1 RS-485 interface;1 carrier wave;1 wireless
Communication protocol: MODBUS-RTU specifications;
Data format: 8, N, 1";

Power Meter MODBUS RTU Key Parameters

Register Description
0048H (Read-only) Voltage,Unsigned number,Value=DATA/100, Unit V
0049H (Read-only) Current,Unsigned number,Value=DATA/100,Unit A
004AH (Read-only) Active power,Unsigned number,Value=DATA,Unit W
004BH-004CH(Read-only) Forward active energy,Unsigned number,Value=DATA/3200,Unit kWh

Test Patyway &Protocols by 485

It is recommended to test 485 pathway and protocols by connecting the power meter with 485 and PC.

1 USB-485 dongle is needed, such as the one in the following picture.

usb-485 dongle

Send:01 03 00 48 00 05 05 DF
Receive:01 03 0A 5A 3F 00 4B 00 7C 00 04 22 00 E1 89
Current:0x004B /100

Please refer to the following picture:

Pathway & Protocol Test by 485

Meter Reader

Meter Reader

Pay attention to the jumper pins, and you can switch to the following three modes through these pins

Switch to three modes through the jumpers, where the MICRO USB is below

  • WiFi-usb: The mode to download firmware for the built-in ESP12.
  • ZB-USB: Direct carrier communication meter reading mode through the USB interface(Meter reading mode 1 in the proceding paragraph)
  • ZB-WIFI: Direct carrier meter reading mode through the ESP12 (Meter reading mode 2 in the proceding paragraph)

Get Started with 3 Steps

Step1:Amount the power meter in the power distribution cabinet (most important)

Note: The strong electricity is very dangerous. Do not amount it by yourself unless you know how to connect the wires. It is better to ask electrician for help! Be careful! Be careful!
Clip the CT of the power meter to the live wire of the distribution box, and connect the two lines of voltage transformer to the null line and live wire separatelly, as the following picture shows.

Amount the power meter

Step 2:Configuration

Power up the reader! Please make sure the jumper position is at where esp12 communicates with carrier module (the position marked by the yellow square is ZB-WIFI mentioned as mode 2 in the previous paragraph. ) Make sure the meter reader and the power meter is in the same-phase power grid with no transformer (usually no problem with the normal family).

Pay attention to the jumper position

Search for ssid which starts with _esp _and link it,password:12345678

The ap of the reader

Then, login to,as the following picture shows.

ssid: The ssid of the uplink router which you need to connect.

password:The password of the uplink router which you need to connect.

regpacket:SN of DeviceBit Energy Monitoring Platform. If the meter reader is purchased from DeviceBit, this SN has been filled in automatically. Otherwise, you can apply for it by sending email to (change # to @)

bsp:Baud rate, please fill in 9600 here.

Theoretically, the DTU firmware should have been downloaded for the meter reader, so this step can be omitted. If you do not download the DTU firmware, download the firmware yourself.
DeviceBit WIFI DTU Firmware

Click on save. If the reader is linked to the uplink router, this ap which starts with esp will disappear. You can confirm it by checking whether there is one more WiFi device on the uplink router.

Step3:Monitor the power on DeviceBit Energy Plarform

DeviceBit Energy

If you don't have an account, please register one first. Please note the sn here is the regpacket mentioned above.

Then, please note the following things:

1 Please select the time zone in the location settings, and generally select the +8 time zone in China.

Select the time zone

2 Please select the power meter type and slaveID in the meter settings. Currently JSY-149 is supported or you can customize by yourself. Please just select JSY-149 if you use the power meter and the supporting reader.

Select the meter type

3 If you use the power meter of other manufacturers, you can choose customize, and then set the settings according to the actual content of the register.

The custom meters need to be configured by yourself

Congratulations! If everything is OK, you can see the data on DeviceBit energy platform.


Other working modes of meter reader

In addition to ZB-WIFI mode, there is also ZB-USB transparent transmission mode. This mode can be used to evaluate whether the carrier communication is successful or not. The ZB-USB working mode is as follows:

Step1:Plug the meter reader into a socket and adjust the jumper to mode 1 (ZB-USB, the middle position on the jumper picture above).

Note: the meter reader and the power meter can not be separated by transformer, and should be in phase. (If the power meter is not three-phase, there is no need to consider this problem.)


Step 2:Connect Micro USB to PC

If you need to install the driver, install it by yourself (CP2102).
Then, open the serial port software, send data, and see the results as below.

Serial port software

The difference is the data are returned not as quickly as with 485 when click on Send, because the carrier communication is very slow.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""